Ginkgo Biloba

GinkgoWhat is Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo Biloba is an herb derived from the maidenhair tree. It is well known for its Antioxidant and detoxifying properties.

It has been used for many years as a remedy for various conditions. Both the leaves and seeds were and are still used as an extract to provide the supplement Ginkgo Biloba.

The trees leaves have been used more and more in the expanding market for the use of alternative medicines. In the past the seeds were used more often as a source of extract for the remedy.

Ginkgo is the most widely used phytomedicine that is being sold in Europe, and is one of the top 10 best selling alternative medicines in America.

Ginkgo is also a neroprotective agent which is believed to be where it’s actions come from for its benefits as well as its antioxidant properties.

What conditions can Ginkgo Biloba help?

There are various conditions where Ginkgo has been used to help, showing beneficial effects in all, these are;

Arterial circulatory problems – This condition can cause blood clots and stop or restrict the blood flow to important parts of the body and organs like the heart. Ginkgo can help to stop blood clots forming and help to keep a healthy circulation system.

Cerebral atherosclerosis – This condition is when there is hardening and blockages of the arteries. Ginkgo can help to relieve these symptoms by softening the arteries and helping to unblock the blood vessels.

Cerebral edema – This condition is where the body tissue contains a high amount of fluid. This condition can affect the vessels, and Ginkgo can help to relieve this fluid tension in the blood vessels.

Cochlear deafness – This condition causes progressive deafness within younger adults, and is usually inherited. When this condition affects the blood vessels Ginkgo has been known, and suggested to help the blood vessels return to normal reliving some symptoms like tinnitus.

Diminished sight – Sometimes when sight is affected by blood vessels Ginkgo can help to relieve some blindness that is suffered. Not many studies have been done on this particular condition on whether Ginkgo is effective. Ginkgo return to normal could help with particular sight problems.

Impairment to memory/ability to concentrate – Ginkgo has been noted in some clinical trials to aid memory. There has been extensive research on this factor, but many people try taking Ginkgo to try and help aid their memory. It helps to increase the blood flow to the brain which is usually the common cause for brain and memory conditions.

Arterial obstruction – Ginkgo helps to restore the natural blood flow in blocked arteries. It is used widely used to help treat conditions where this appears, and studies have shown positive effects that Ginkgo has had as a treatment.

Reynard’s disease – This condition is when the hands and feet are exposed to the cold and can not warm back up again. This is because the blood vessels are not flowing properly to these extremities. Ginkgo can help to restore the proper blood flow which helps the hands and feet to recover from the cold, helping relieve the symptoms of Reynard’s such as pins and needles and numbness.

Alzheimer’s disease – This disease takes away the ability for the person to do every day things. People can lose their memory through this disease, and is a degenerative disease. Ginkgo has been used to help the symptoms of this condition, helping to aid alertness and memory.

Vertigo – Ginkgo has also had positive effects on helping people who suffer from vertigo, by relieving the dizziness, and nausea.

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