How to Cure Warts

How to Cure Warts

How to Cure Warts

Warts, which are caused by the human papillomavirus, are incredibly common. They aren’t serious, but they can sometimes be uncomfortable (depending on where they are) and embarrassing for older children. A toddler probably won’t pay it much mind. Although they often go away by themselves, there are some natural cures to hurry that process along at home and at the doctor’s office.

Salicylic acid: This is widely available in drugstores, both in solutions that can be painted onto the wart and in little acid-soaked pads that are put over the wart and covered with a bandage. They work pretty well, but even with daily use, it can take months before the wart disappears. Rubbing the wart lightly with an emery board before treatment can help. Try to put the medicine only on the wart, and stop for a few days if there is redness or irritation around it.

Duct tape: Place a piece over the wart, and change daily. This sounds weird, but it actually works about as well as salicylic acid.

Garlic: Garlic is excellent natural cure for warts. There have been studies suggesting that rubbing a clove of garlic on the wart every night and then covering it with a bandage can help it go away quicker.

Freezing (cryotherapy): The doctor can use a cotton swab dipped in liquid nitrogen or something similar to freeze off the wart. This is usually painless, but repeated treatments are often needed, and it’s not necessarily more effective than salicylic acid or home therapy.

Cantharidin: This is another doctor-applied liquid that essentially burns off the wart. There are additional treatments, such as other chemicals that can be painted on or even removing the wart using a laser or surgery, but they are rarely necessary.

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How to Cure a Cold

How to Cure a Cold

How to Cure a Cold

There are simple and effective ways to cure cold, the most popular virus infection disease.

The common cold usually lasts for one week, although it may be extended for up to 2 weeks, it can be cured without treatment. If you notice that your cold lasts more than two weeks, then it is something serious and you should visit your doctor.

The cold virus comes in about 200 different forms. We can get the cold through breathing, handshaking, kissing or touching. Contrary to what most people think, we do not get the cold because of climate changes, or from poor nutrition or exercise. Statistics also show that people who are suffering from asthma or allergies are more likely to be infected by the cold virus. Stress is also one of the reasons we get the cold.

There are things we can do and measures to take in order to cure cold. This article gives an overview of 10 simple actions for a fast treatment from cold.

The most common symptoms of cold are:

Runny or Blocked nose
Sore throat
Diminished sense of taste and smell
Watery eyes
Low Fever
Cold prevention techniques

To reduce the chances of getting the cold virus you can follow these simple rules:

Wash your hands regularly – and always before meals or before touching your eyes and your mouth.
Disinfect surfaces that can keep germs such as handrails and handles.
Try to avoid people that have the cold virus
Avoid being indoor with a lot of people, especially during the periods where virus diseases are on the rise.

Try some natural cures for cold
10 Ways to cure from cold

1. Consume many liquids

As a first cure from cold try to consume a lot of water, juices and drinks (e.g. Tea and herbs in general). Liquids prevent the «drying» of our throat and nose, they help the mucous membranes glands to remain open and so it is easier to clean. Liquids are also valuable when you have fever. In this case there is increased risk of loss of liquids with dehydration. In addition, the hydration of the body contributes to the removal of toxins produced from dead cells, which increases it’s ability to fight the virus.

2. Avoid coffee and alcohol

Try to avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol because those substances tend to dehydrate our body and this is not what we want while we are cold.

3. Water vapour and hot baths

Water vapour and hot baths are the most common home cures for cold. Some people are standing in the bathroom with running hot water; others inhale the vapour over a pot with boiling water. It is believed that the steam can facilitate congestion. The virus is also susceptible to very high temperatures, so it is possible that the steam can «kill» the virus through the nasal cavities.

4. Hot Soups

Many people consider a warm soup as the best cure the cold. The advantages of such a traditional cure comes from the broth, which keeps the body hydrated and it also helps with the vapour. It is therefore likely that any kind of hot broth will bring the same benefits. Research made for the consumption of chicken soup while in a cold showed that the ingredients of chicken soup can actually reduce the swelling of the nasal cavities and help in the faster cure from common cold. Also chicken soup can give the protein from chicken, a substance necessary for our body to build antibodies to fight viruses.

5. Use a humidifier

These devices are a good method to make more humid air. This may help to keep nasal cavities in liquid form and thus avoid the blocking of the nose. When using the humidifier make sure to clean them regularly to block the possibility of transferring mould in the air.

6. Rest

One of the most important factors in getting cure from cold is a good sleep and generally relaxing. You need to get plenty of rest in order for your body to resist the cold virus better, faster and more efficient. If you have fever you should definitely stay home, switch off your mobile and try to relax. Most people tend to try and overcome cold with out resting. Experts’ advice is to stay at home and relax for two days in a warm environment. Typical temperature could be 24-25 Celsius (75.2 F).

7. Wash your mouth with salt water

It may sound like an advice from your grandmother but practice has shown that washing your mouth with salt water is one of the cures for sore throat. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt into a class of warm water and make five to six gargles. These will definitely relief your sore throat.

8. Do not smoke

Although you should stop smoking for a number of reasons, smoking when you are cold has additional disadvantages. Smoking can aggravate the symptoms of cold, while aggravating can also be passive smoking.

9. Watch your diet

Although it is not proven that diet can help you cure from cold, eating fruits and vegetables full of vitamin C can help you overcome faster from cold. Vitamin C strengthens the protection of the body, protects it from virus diseases and contributes to better functioning of white blood cells, the role of which is to fight viruses. Other food, which can assist you in recovering faster from cold, includes:

Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, parsley, celery, cauliflower
Foods containing zinc

10. Do not Exercise

Avoid exercise and all sorts of physical activity, for 3-4 days in order to give your body a chance to save forces for fighting the virus.


Natural Cures for Infant Constipation

When an infant has constipation, it can cause discomfort, and sometimes pain as well. Giving a baby medications to relieve constipation may not always be a preference or a choice. I have always preferred natural relief over medication when possible, especially when it comes to infants. Here are some all natural ways to relieve constipation that are based on my own experiences as a mother, as well as research I’ve done over the years.

Symptoms and signs of infant constipation may include crankiness, no bowel movements for hours or longer, clenching fists, or small and hard bowel movements. The type of treatment a baby is given will depend on the infant’s age. If your baby is under 2 months of age and experiencing constipation, the pediatrician should be consulted on what to do. Some have been known to use corn syrup (or Karo syrup) as an all natural treatment for infants with constipation. According to information found on the MayoClinic website, this is not recommended and may not be safe.

Water – This may seem like a logical treatment. However, since infants don’t typically drink water, it may not be a first thought. As long as an infant is over 2 months of age, try 2-4 ounces of water once or twice a day somewhere between feedings. Do not replace a feeding with water.

Fruit Juice – If water does not seem to relieve infant constipation, another all natural way to try is fruit juice. Just as with the water, offer a baby over 2 months 2-4 ounces once or twice per day, in addition to regular feedings. If a baby will drink it, I’ve found infant prune juice to work the best.

Light Tummy Rub – Gently rubbing an infant’s tummy is also an all natural way to relieve infant constipation. Even if it doesn’t relieve the constipation, it may calm and soothe the baby.

Light Back Rub – If the tummy rub doesn’t work, lie the baby on the stomach and gently rub the infant’s back.

Baby Fruit – If a baby is old enough (at least 4 months) and accustomed to spoon feeding, you might try feeding him or her a baby fruit, such as prunes, peaches, or pears a couple times per day.

If these all natural ways to relieve infant constipation do not seem to work, it is best to contact your child’s pediatrician for advice. Also, pay attention to your infant and look for other symptoms that may warrant a visit to the doctor. Some of these signs can include vomiting or crankiness that cannot be soothed.

Natural Cures – Natural Remedies – Hair loss treatment

Vitamins for hair growth is one of the best option on the market to stop hair loss. Vitamins for hair growth are perfect for people who want to have thick long strand hair and stop the balding. There are many different kinds of vitamins on the market but the best vitamins for hair loss are those backed by the American Hair Loss Foundation.

This organization is foremost in testing hair growth essentials and products to ascertain that hair loss products are safe. The advantage of these vitamin products is that they are safe and most are all natural. Both male and female can use these products to stop hair loss and regrow their hair.

There are many hair loss products on the market that scientifically proven to treat hair loss and promote rapid hair growth. Solutions for women is as comparable to that of men. Although hair loss have not been given much attention, in recent years there have been a greater interest in beauty on health.

Many women who use chemical products to style their hair, or who use braids sometimes find that their falls off. However,the most common reason for hair loss is women and men are hormonal / supplement issues or genetics. Supplements with vitamins can help stop the hair loss by restore the necessary vitamins that the body needs. This reduces the need for hair transplant or restoration surgeries.

Vitamins are cheap and can be easily purchased at your neighborhood drug store. You may want to consult your doctor or dermatologist as to the right vitamins for you situation. The highly recommended vitamins for hair loss or organically formulated with other natural ingredients.

Because they are natural they are safe to use and reduce the possibility of complications with allergies. It is vital to purchase vitamins for hair loss that are approved by a doctor or approved by health agencies. Also, ask you doctor for recommendations of supplements that will heal specific symptoms.

Natural Cures – Natural Remedies – Alternative Herbal Medicine

Categories: Hair loss treatment
